The Society was founded in 1953 and currently has about 60 members.
If you would like to see some examples of our members art work please look in the Gallery

You can find out more about our events and current lectures and exhibitions on our Facebook page below
Join Us
We welcome everyone interested in art, whether that be those who like to watch, learn new drawing and painting skills or wish to exhibit paintings they have created themselves.
You can see this year’s Programme of events if you would like to come and join us, you will be made most welcome.
All meetings are held in the Memorial Hall, Hawcoat, 19 Dalton Lane

Full membership £20
Students (in full-time education) £5
Notice we have decided to increase our membership to £20
If paying membership subs, please make cheques payable to:
Barrow Society of Artists and send to the Treasurer:- Judith Caunt, 2 Beech Bank, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7EZ
Talks, Classes and Demonstrations
We hold our programme of talks and demonstrations at the Memorial Hall in Hawcoat, and run regular life drawing sessions throughout the year for those artists who would like to improve their drawing and observational skills.
See Programme for more information
Here are some of our demonstrators showing their finished work.